Friday, June 29, 2007

Time Savers

Technology saves so much time. Just earlier today I needed to download some groovy tunes onto my ipod so I could hit the gym. I went to the web, found some songs, and downloaded them onto my computer in a 20 minute time period. One reason it took me 20 minutes was because the credit card for the download charges expires this month, so I had to give new information before I could download. Not such a big problem except that we have one credit card and it is in Lone Wolf, OK on a golf course. I considered going to the gym without the downloads but that just was not going to work. See, I am training for a 5k and today I had a rather daunting for 25 minutes. Without stopping. Without walking. That just wouldn't happen without Van Halen's Panama or the Foo Fighters. I didn't even know if I could run that long with the downloads. Normally I won't use my debit/credit bank card for internet purchases because we had someone go on a Walmart shopping spree last year and spend $3000 from our checking account before I found out what was happening. But, today I had no other options. I just pray the numbers aren't sold on the black market to identity thieves.

Once I had the financial aspect solved, I connected my ipod to the computer. I waited for it to sync. I waited. And waited. I clicked buttons. I practiced tantric breathing. Nothing happened. So, I had to log off and back on. Rain showers came and went. I ate a snack. Finally, I was back onto itune-land. Thankfully, my downloads were there AND my ipod decided to play nice and sync with the longer than 40 minutes after I had initially sat down to quickly add some motivating music to get me through my 25 minute run.

I told you technology is a time saver. It's a butt saver too because I never would have made it through that run without my tunes. I wonder what that iphone could do for me...


Jennifer H. said...

Woo Hoo! Good job! Gotta love the ipod. I am waiting for Nathan to watch the kids so I can get out and do my run. I do believe that if I complete my week 4 run today I will treat myself to a pedicure afterwards. After a shower, of course!

Stacey said...

please QUIT making me look bad!
no really, good job!
off to run!!